Forget wimpy, apologetic vampires, afraid to draw blood. THE LEGEND OF DRACULA makes vampires scary again!
Everyone knows the story of the bloodthirsty despot of Walachia, Vlad the Impaler, who, during his reign, tortured and massacred tens of thousands of his own people. His battles against the invading Turks made him a hero to his people and his atrocities made him a villain to the world.
Everyone has read the novel by Bram Stoker about the King-Vampire, or seen any number of its filmed adaptations. From horror to comedy to adventure, the characters portrayed in its pages have gained an immortality of their own.
But between Vlad’s death in 1476 and his invasion of England in 1890, there lie four centuries. What was Dracula doing during that time? Was he up in his castle, lying in his coffin, just waiting for Jonathon Harker to show up?
This tetralogy of books declares that answer to be: No!
Here you will read of Dracula’s dealings with the forces of Darkness, his promised reanimation, and his enslavement to the wizard who revived him. You will stand beside him in his struggle against those myriad vampire lords who had ruled the Night for centuries—even millennia—prior.
You will see him expand his fledgling kingdom, and increase his unholy flock. You will meet the many brides of Dracula—those seductive, inhuman beauties who serve him to spread his unnatural dominion. You will feel their crimson lips gliding softly across your skin, softer than a summer’s breeze. You will feel their fangs pierce your throat.
You will see the origin of Dracula… and his destruction. And you will see beyond…

We live in an age when vampires are more relevant than ever. The LEGEND OF DRACULA offers you the chronicle of another age, another place, where fear of the Undead was an active concern. And no vampire has ever inspired more fear than Dracula.
THE LEGEND OF DRACULA series presents four volumes: “His First Centuries”, “His Women”, "Plots and Schemes" and “Into the Mouth of Death”, with more to follow. Each book is available exclusively from Amazon.
And check out my Chronology Page to see how these books fit with my other series!
R.I.P. Sir Christopher Lee (1922-2015)
See Vlad the Impaler in a quartet of historical tales, revealing his despotic nature. Then see him reanimated as a vampire, entering a world already populated with legions of night-stalkers! Imagine how these undead lords and ladies would accept him, a new upstart, a rival to their centuries-old claims. How would they respond?
They would tear him to shreds!
…Or die trying.
Drac is back! And this time, he's brought the ladies.
Meet the many brides of Dracula—those seductive, inhuman beauties who serve him to spread his unnatural dominion. Feel their crimson lips gliding softly across your skin, softer than a summer’s breeze. Feel their fangs pierce your throat.
Ranging from the years 1575 to 1747, Perry Lake's second installment of his Legend of Dracula series is now available in the Kindle store. DRACULA: HIS WOMEN features twenty tales of seduction and terror.
No woman can resist Dracula—and some will love him forever!
In these seventeen stories, Dracula and his vampire hordes plot and scheme to enslave the world and rule the Night! See him hack and slash his bloody way to the top of the undead hierarchy as he wages his final battles against the slithering Sethos, the seductive Nycea, and the cunning Erlik Iblis. Will he be able to stop any of them?
There's further clashes with the Vordenburg clan in the tale of the son of Dracula—a dhampire! Can the heroic Vordenburgs trust a man in whose veins flows the blood of Dracula?
Then in a novella-length trilogy, set on the eve of the French Revolution, Dracula allies himself to the sorcerer Cagliostro—whose powers are equal to his own! But how long will the alliance last when Dracula sets his sights on Cagliostro's beautiful young wife?
Plus the origins of Lord Iorga, Lady Lenore, and Countess Dolingen.
Covering the years 1819 to 1890, this book has them all! Dracula! Elizabeth Báthory! Carmilla! Lord Ruthven! Lenore! Countess Dolingen! Even Baron Látos! All of them, together at last!
The Legend of Dracula, Book IV, features the greatest names in vampire literature: Dracula, Elizabeth Báthory, Carmilla, Lord Ruthven, Lenore, Iorga, Countess Dolingen, Baron Latos, and more!
Dracula continues his battle against the Vordenburg clan, and he hatches his most ambitious plot yet!
Twelve stories, including four novella-length tales, all leading up to the titanic events of Bram Stoker's “Dracula”. Grab it today!
Bram Stoker’s novel, “Dracula” was not the first horror story told about Vlad III the Impaler. Even during his lifetime, German pamphleteers recounted Vlad’s numerous atrocities and the bloodcurdling stories were so popular they stayed in print, even after his death. Ivan the Terrible, perhaps to justify his own reign of terror, published The Povesty, an account of Vlad’s deeds—and justified them! Around 1800, the Romanian poet Ion Budai-Deleanu wrote the “Tiganiada”, an epic account in which Vlad forces the Gypsies to aid him against the invading Turks—and even has to reckon with ghouls and the vampire queen, Strigoica! Since Stoker’s novel, new tales about the vampire Dracula have appeared in every possible medium: motion pictures, television shows, comic books, and computer games.